ALMA Invites Proposals for a New Cycle of Observations
The ALMA Observatory has recently reached a halfway point with 33 antennas out of a total of 66 delivered to the 5,000 meters site, and has just issued its second Call for Proposals. Members of the astronomy community worldwide are invited to propose scientific programs to be scheduled within the ALMA Early Science Cycle 1 period, expected to start on January 1, 2013. This provides an important opportunity for Early Science from this cutting edge facility. The Cycle 1 period will span 10 months and any astronomer may submit proposals.
Cycle 1 observations will be conducted in parallel with the ongoing construction, commissioning and verification of the whole ALMA system. The completion of the array of 66 antennas with the full set of scientific capabilities, expected in the second half of 2013, is the highest priority of the Observatory.
More Information
Full information about the technical capabilities of ALMA, how to apply for observing time, how to access ALMA data, and links to all official ALMA documents and tools can be found in the science portal.