Outcome of the Proposal Review Process, Cycle 1
The scientific and technical assessment of the 1133 science proposals submitted from astronomers for ALMA Early Science Cycle 1 has been completed. Seventy-eight science assessors from all over the world have evaluated the expected scientific value of these proposals. As a result, the most promising proposals of each ALMA region have been selected as those most likely to be completed using the ALMA Cycle 1 capabilities, after their technical feasibility was confirmed by fifteen technical assessors from the Joint ALMA Observatory and the three ALMA Regional Centers.
Principal Investigators (PIs) have been notified of the outcome of the Proposal Review Process. The 196 highest-priority projects (see Table 1) cover a wide range of science and are distributed across the five broad ALMA science categories as shown in the accompanying pie chart.
Cycle 1 science observing is scheduled to begin in January 2013 and will span 10 months. These observations will be conducted in parallel with the ongoing construction, commissioning and verification of the whole ALMA system. The ALMA Observatory has already delivered 48 antennas out of a total of 66 to the 5,000 meters site. The completion of the array with the full set of scientific capabilities, expected in the second half of 2013, is the highest priority of the Observatory.
Cycle 1 will include the use of the ALMA Compact Array (ACA) a sub-system of the ALMA telescope which allows enhanced imaging fidelity especially for extended astronomical sources. The ACA comprises of 16 (four 12-m and twelve 7-m) antennas, the last of which was delivered by Japan in May and accepted by ALMA on October 5th, 2012.
ALMA started scientific operations on 30 September 2011 with a quarter of its final complement of antennas. Called Cycle 0, the first ever phase of ALMA operations identified 112 highest-priority proposals out of 919 submitted by astronomers from all over the world to start using this cutting edge facility.
Figure 1. Distribution of the highest-priority Cycle 1 projects across the ALMA science categories (Category 1: Cosmology and the high redshift universe; Category 2: Galaxies and galactic nuclei; Category 3: ISM, star formation and astrochemistry; Category 4: Circumstellar disks, exoplanets and the solar system; Category 5: Stellar evolution and the Sun).
More Information
Information about the technical capabilities of ALMA, how to apply for observing time, how to access ALMA data, and links to a variety of official ALMA documents and tools can be found in the science portal.
- ALMA Science Portal.
- European ALMA Regional Center website.
- North American ALMA Regional Center website.
- East Asian ALMA Regional Center website.
- Information about the Call for Proposals, for astronomers.
The columns give, in order, the proposal code, the list of PI and Co-Is, the region of the PI, and the proposal title.
PI/Co-Is | Region | Proposal title | |
2012.1.00001.S | Kartik Sheth / Michael Regan / Sergio Martin / Kotaro Kohno / Satoki Matsushita / Eva Schinnerer / Andreas Lundgren / Dimitri Gadotti / Lia Athanassoula / Eric Villard / Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos / Tommy Wiklind / Stuart Vogel / Peter Teuben / Kambiz Fathi / Diego Garcia-Appadoo / Juan Cortes / Catherine Vlahakis / Alison Peck / Kimberly Scott / Jean Turner / David Meier | NA | The Molecular Medium in the Prototypical Barred Spiral NGC 1097 |
2012.1.00008.S | Kristen Coppin / Mark Swinbank / Ian Smail / James Geach / Dan Stark / Simon Dye / Johan Richard / Tracy Webb / Roberto Neri / Pierre Cox | NA | High Resolution mm-Interferometry of a Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z=3.07 |
2012.1.00012.S | Arnaud Belloche / Karl Menten / Holger Müller / Robin Garrod | EU | Expanding the frontiers of chemical complexity with ALMA |
2012.1.00013.S | Chin-Fei Lee | EA | A Change of Rotation Profile in HH 111: Formation of a Keplerian Disk around a Protostar |
2012.1.00021.S | Luis Zapata / Luis Rodriguez / Pamela Klaassen | non-ALMA | ALMA observations of the explosive outflow in Orion BN-KL |
2012.1.00031.S | Scott Schnee / Hector Arce / Jaime Pineda / Michael Dunham / James Di Francesco / Doug Johnstone / Stella Offner / Tyler Bourke / Xuepeng Chen / Daniel Price | NA | A Survey of Dense Cores in Chamaeleon I |
2012.1.00033.S | Masami Ouchi / Kotaro Kohno / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Richard Ellis / Yoichi Tamura / Daisuke Iono / Yoshiaki Ono / Kazuhiro Shimasaku / Rieko Momose | EA | Demonstrating ALMA's Capabilities with the Luminous Giant Starburst 'Himiko' |
2012.1.00034.S | Masatoshi Imanishi / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Yuriko Saitou / Keisuke Imase / Kazushi Sakamoto | EA | The role of infrared radiative pumping for molecular gas excitation in AGNs |
2012.1.00037.S | Leonardo Testi / Antonella Natta / Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo / Alexander Scholz / Luca Ricci / Subhanjoy Mohanty | EU | Disk masses in rho-Oph young Brown Dwarfs |
2012.1.00046.S | Ngoc Phan-Bao / Chin-Fei Lee / Paul Ho / Eduardo Martin | NA | First Direct Measurement of Disk Radius of a Young Brown Dwarf |
2012.1.00064.S | Sandrine Vinatier / Raphael Moreno / Mark Gurwell / Emmanuel Lellouch / Arielle Moullet / Luisa Lara | EU | Exploring the nitrile and oxygen chemistry in Titan's middle atmosphere |
2012.1.00075.S | Remy Indebetouw / Richard McCray / Mikako Matsuura / ELi Dwek / Roger Chevalier / Michael Barlow / Jon Marcaide / Ivan Marti-Vidal / Giovanna Zanardo / Lister Staveley-Smith / Sangwook Park / Masa Lakicevic / Jacco van Loon / Chi-Yung Ng / Maarten Baes / Bryan Gaensler / Peter Lundqvist / George Sonneborn / Catherine Vlahakis / Margaret Meixner / Vladimir Zekovic / David Burrows / Julia Kamenetzky / Geoffrey Clayton | NA | SN1987A: A Unique Laboratory of Shock, Molecular and Dust Physics |
2012.1.00076.S | Kimberly Scott / Kartik Sheth / Nick Scoville / Jeyhan Kartaltepe / Lin Yan / David Sanders / Eva Schinnerer / Pascale JABLONKA / Francoise Combes | NA | The evolution in the molecular gas content of Luminous Infrared Galaxies at z = 0.25-0.65 |
2012.1.00077.S | Nick Scoville / Jin Koda / Fabian Walter / Kartik Sheth / Linda Tacconi / Richard Davies / Desika Narayanan / Todd Thompson / Brant Robertson / Christopher Hayward / Joshua Barnes / Robert Brown / Lars Hernquist / Reinhard Genzel / Paul van der Werf / Swarnima Manohar | NA | Merging IR-Luminous Galaxies -- Arp 220 and NGC 6240 |
2012.1.00080.S | Masato Tsuboi / Atsushi Miyazaki / Yoshimi Kitamura / Tomoyuki Morimitsu | EA | Core Mass Function of the Galactic Center 50 km/s Molecuar Cloud |
2012.1.00088.S | Masami Ouchi / Rieko Momose / Kotaro Kohno / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Richard Ellis / Yoshiaki Ono / Kimihiko Nakajima / Takuya Hashimoto / Kazuhiro Shimasaku / Daisuke Iono / Yoichi Tamura / Soh Ikarashi | EA | ALMA Exploration of Cosmic Reionization with a Newly-Discovered Luminous Star-Forming Galaxy at z=7.31 |
2012.1.00090.S | Ian Smail / James Dunlop / Paul van der Werf / Rob Ivison / Douglas Scott / Eelco van Kampen / Andrew Blain / Mark Swinbank / Alexander Karim / James Geach / Kristen Coppin / Edward Chapin / Malcolm Bremer / Edo Ibar / Itziar Aretxaga / Aprajita Verma / Marco Spaans / Kirsten Knudsen / Neal Jackson / Rowin Meijerink / Michal Michalowski / Duncan Farrah / James Simpson | EU | The bright end of the submm galaxy counts: real or not? |
2012.1.00091.S | Valentin Bujarrabal / Javier Alcolea / Arancha Castro-Carrizo / Miguel Santander-García / Roberto Neri / Carmen Sánchez Contreras / Hans Van Winckel / Robert LUCAS | EU | The rotating equatorial disk in the Red Rectangle |
2012.1.00097.S | Matthias Maercker / Wouter Vlemmings / Shazrene Mohamed / Elvire De Beck / Sofia Ramstedt / Hans Olofsson / Franz Kerschbaum / Claudia Paladini / Andreas Mayer / Magdalena Brunner / Elizabeth Humphreys / Markus Wittkowski / Marko Mecina / Martin Groenewegen / Michael Lindqvist / Stephane Sacuto / Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo / Lars-Ake Nyman / Alain Baudry | EU | Unwinding the secret of the recent thermal pulse and sculpted wind in R Sculptoris |
2012.1.00105.S | Jean Turner / Sara Beck / Paul Ho / David Meier / John Lacy | NA | Where the Gas Meets the Stars: The Young Super Star Cluster in NGC 5253 |
2012.1.00108.S | Alberto Bolatto / Fabian Walter / Adam Leroy / Martin Zwaan / Sylvain Veilleux / Axel Weiss / Eve Ostriker / Jacqueline Hodge / Nick Scoville / Erik Rosolowsky / Juergen Ott | NA | A Deeper Look into the Life Cycle of the Molecular Gas in the Nearest Nuclear Starburst: GMCs, Molecular Superwind, and Feedback |
2012.1.00116.S | Patrick Huggins / Rafael Bachiller / Pere Planesas / Wouter Vlemmings / Daniel Tafoya | NA | Close-up of a Globule in the Helix Nebula |
2012.1.00119.S | Leonardo Bronfman / Rainer Mauersberger / Thomas Wilson / Christian Henkel / Aya Higuchi / Denise Riquelme / Nadia Lo | CL | A new hot, diffuse molecular component in the nuclear bulge of the Milky Way |
2012.1.00122.S | Chin-Fei Lee / Naomi Hirano / Hsien Shang / Paul Ho / Qizhou Zhang | EA | Rotation and Proper Motion of the HH 212 Jet |
2012.1.00123.S | Richard Plambeck / melvyn wright | NA | Probing the ionized envelope of Orion Source I |
2012.1.00129.S | Anne Dutrey / Stephane Guilloteau / Vincent Piétu / Tracy Beck / Jeffrey Bary / Frederic Gueth / Michal Simon / Ya-Wen Tang / Emmanuel Di Folco / Yann Boehler | EU | GG TAU AB: Studying viscous and tidal effects in the circumbinary disk |
2012.1.00133.S | Guido Garay / Jill Rathborne / Steven Longmore / Nate Bastian / Joao Alves / John Bally / Leonardo Testi / Joana Ascenso / Eli Bressert / Sean Carey / Jonathan Foster / James Jackson / Andrew Walsh / Cormac Purcell | CL | G0.25+0.02, a molecular cloud progenitor of an Arches-like cluster: the puzzle of cold dust, hot gas |
2012.1.00139.S | Akihiro Doi / Kazuhiro Hada / Kotaro Kohno / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Yuichi Terashima / Toshihiro Kawaguchi / Satoko Sawada-Satoh / Kazunori Akiyama | EA | Nuclear Continuum Spectra of nearby low-luminosity AGNs |
2012.1.00142.S | Bill Dent / Mark Wyatt / Jane Greaves / David Wilner / Antonio hales / Stuartt Corder / Jean-Charles Augereau / Brenda Matthews / Aki Roberge / Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo / A. Meredith Hughes | EU | Dust structures in the beta Pictoris disk at high resolution |
2012.1.00143.S | Olivier Groussin / Jeremie Boissier / Dominique Bockelee-Morvan / Nicolas Biver / Emmanuel Lellouch / Jorda Laurent / Philippe Lamy / Emmanuel Jehin / Thijs de Graauw | EU | Physical properties of the nucleus of comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS) |
2012.1.00144.S | Tomoya Hirota / Masato Tsuboi / Kenta Fujisawa / Mareki Honma / Mikyoung Kim / Hiroshi Imai / Tomomi Shimoikura / Yoshinori YONEKURA | EA | Bursting water maser feature in Orion KL(2) |
2012.1.00146.S | Tomoya Hirota / Mikyoung Kim / Mareki Honma | EA | Newly found vibrationally excited H2O masers in Orion KL |
2012.1.00158.S | Ewine van Dishoeck / Nienke van der Marel / Simon Bruderer / Joanna Brown / Klaus Pontoppidan / Tim van Kempen / Vincent Geers / Gregory Herczeg / Sean Andrews / Geoffrey Mathews | EU | Quantifying gas inside dust cavities in transitional disks: mass, distribution and composition |
2012.1.00159.S | Edwige Chapillon / Stephane Guilloteau / Anne Dutrey / Franck Hersant / Valentine Wakelam / Ya-Wen Tang / Frederic Gueth / Vincent Piétu / Thomas Henning / Dmitry Semenov / Nagayoshi Ohashi / David Hollenbach / Uma Gorti / Ralf Launhardt / Ugo Hincelin / Eric Herbst / Yann Boehler | EA | CN excitation: a challenge to protoplanetary disks models |
2012.1.00165.S | Takuma Izumi / Kotaro Kohno / Yoichi Tamura / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Daisuke Iono / Bunyo Hatsukade / Kenta Suzuki / Soh Ikarashi / Hideki Umehata / Masatoshi Imanishi / Shuro Takano / Hideko Nomura / Tac Nakajima / Takashi Hattori / Naomasa Nakai / Akihiro Doi / Yuichi Terashima / Tomoka Tosaki / Sumio Ishizuki / Eva Schinnerer / Kartik Sheth / Sergio Martin / Satoki Matsushita / Pei-Ying Hsieh / Andreas Lundgren / Tommy Wiklind / Kambiz Fathi / David Meier / Jean Turner / Melanie Krips / Michael Regan / Daniel Espada / Susanne Aalto | EA | The Quest for a robust AGN diagnostic in the (sub-)millimeter domain |
2012.1.00166.S | Rachel Friesen / Paola Caselli / James Di Francesco / Tyler Bourke / Jes Jorgensen / Jaime Pineda | NA | Using the first interferometer H2D+ observations to constrain clustered star-forming core structure |
2012.1.00173.S | James Dunlop / Michal Michalowski / Rob Ivison / Andy Biggs / Ross McLure / Richard Ellis / Brant Robertson / David Hughes / Min Yun / Philip Best / Pratika Dayal / Eelco van Kampen / Kristen Coppin / John Peacock / Mark Swinbank / Edward Chapin / Grant Wilson / Douglas Scott / Steven Finkelstein / Isaac Roseboom / Vivienne Wild / Thomas Targett / Michele Cirasuolo / Jason Austermann / Alexandra Pope / Casey Papovich / Jonathan Trump / Desika Narayanan / Sadegh Khochfar / Paul van der Werf / Maciej Koprowski / Edo Ibar / James Geach / Christopher Hayward / Stephane Charlot | EU | An ALMA 1.3-mm image of The Hubble Ultra Deep Field |
2012.1.00175.S | Paul van der Werf / Alain Omont / Rob Ivison / Pierre Cox / Marco Spaans / Rowin Meijerink / Ian Smail / Mark Swinbank / Alice Danielson / Dominik Riechers / Melanie Krips / Kristen Coppin / James Geach / Marissa Rosenberg / Fabian Walter / Axel Weiss / Scott Chapman | EU | Physical conditions in high-z galaxies from water vapour emission and the origin of molecular outflows |
2012.1.00178.S | Dariusz Lis / Henry Wootten / Maryvonne Gerin / Evelyne Roueff / Tom Phillips / Eric Herbst / Alexander Tielens / Charles Walmsley / Charlotte VASTEL / Benoit Commercon / Patrick Hennebelle | NA | Deuterated Ammonia in Prestellar Cores |
2012.1.00182.S | Joanna Brown / David Wilner / Sean Andrews / Ewine van Dishoeck / Karin Oberg / Katherine Rosenfeld / Catherine Espaillat | NA | Examining the effects of the T Cha planet on its birthsite transitional disk |
2012.1.00185.S | Maximilien Schirm / Christine Wilson / Suzanne Madden / David Clements | NA | High resolution observations of dense molecular gas in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39) |
2012.1.00187.S | Kotaro Kohno / Takuma Izumi / Sergio Martin / Kartik Sheth / Satoki Matsushita / Pei-Ying Hsieh / Kambiz Fathi / Jean Turner / Eva Schinnerer / Melanie Krips / Andreas Lundgren / David Meier / Tommy Wiklind / Daniel Espada / Michael Regan / Susanne Aalto / Francesco Costagliola / Masatoshi Imanishi / Yuichi Terashima / Naomasa Nakai / Tomoka Tosaki / Sumio Ishizuki / Shuro Takano / Tac Nakajima / Akihiro Doi / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Seiji Kameno / Nanase Harada / Eric Herbst | EA | X-ray irradiated dense molecular medium in the active nucleus of NGC 1097: 10 pc scale molecular view around a type-1 AGN |
2012.1.00193.S | John Tobin / Lee Hartmann / Ruud Visser / Nuria Calvet / Laurent Loinard / Edwin Bergin / Paola D'Alessio / Leslie Looney / Hsin-Fang Chiang / David Wilner | NA | Measuring the Mass of the Class 0 Protostar L1527 via Disk Rotation |
2012.1.00195.S | A. Meredith Hughes / Aki Roberge / Inga Kamp / David Wilner / Attila Moor / Sean Andrews / Joel Kastner / Kiss Csaba / Peter Abraham | NA | Molecular Gas in Debris Disks: Resolving the Disk around 49 Ceti |
2012.1.00196.S | James Di Francesco / Scott Schnee / Rachel Friesen / Rita Mann / Doug Johnstone / Sarah Sadavoy / Shadi Chitsazzadeh | NA | Central Mass Accumulation in Dense Cores and the Origin of the Circumstellar Disk |
2012.1.00198.S | A. Meredith Hughes / Margaret Pan / Hilke Schlichting / David Wilner / Eugene Chiang / Bill Dent / John Carpenter / Sean Andrews | NA | Who Stirs the Pot? Dynamics of Edge-On Debris Disks |
2012.1.00208.S | Deidre Hunter / Elias Brinks / Bruce Elmegreen / Caroline Simpson / Lisa Young / Monica RUBIO | NA | The Lowest Metallicity Molecular Clouds |
2012.1.00219.S | Richard Ellis / Tucker Jones / Mark Swinbank / Eiichi Egami / Marie Rex / Tim Rawle / Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky / Carrie Bridge / Andrew Blain / Rob Ivison / Francoise Combes / Frederic Boone / Bruno Altieri / Daniel Schaerer / Paul van der Werf / Johan Richard | NA | Spectroscopy of a normal star forming galaxy at z=2 with 200 pc resolution: physical conditions in the cold ISM at high redshift |
2012.1.00225.S | Daniel Espada / Satoki Matsushita / Christian Henkel / Daisuke Iono / Alice Quillen / Nadine Neumayer / Frank Israel / Alison Peck / Susanne Aalto / Tommy Wiklind / Violette Impellizzeri / Juergen Ott / Kotaro Kohno | EA | The Warm/Dense Circumnuclear Disk and Black Hole Mass of Centaurus A |
2012.1.00229.S | Carl Melis / Gaspard Duchene / Benjamin Zuckerman / David Rodriguez | NA | Gas and Dust in the Disk Orbiting BP Piscium |
2012.1.00237.S | Jose Cernicharo / Michel GUELIN / Marcelino Agundez / Nuria Marcelino / Javier Goicoechea / Arancha Castro-Carrizo / John Pearson | EU | A HIGH ANGULAR RESOLUTION STUDY OF THE DUST FORMATION ZONE OF IRC+10216 |
2012.1.00239.S | Toshikazu Onishi / Akiko Kawamura / Kazuya Saigo / Yasuo Fukui / Kengo Tachihara / Kengo Tomida / Kazuki Tokuda | EA | Probing a mass distribution of the central 1000AU toward a dense core very close to a moment of the first protostellar core phase in Taurus |
2012.1.00240.S | Ran Wang / Chris carilli / Fabian Walter / Xiaohui Fan / Jeff Wagg / Dominik Riechers / Frank Bertoldi / Alain Omont / Pierre Cox / Michael Strauss / Karl Menten / Desika Narayanan / Kirsten Knudsen / Linhua Jiang | NA | Mapping Star Formation and Gas Dynamics in Luminous Quasar Host Galaxies at z~6 |
2012.1.00242.S | Kenta Suzuki / Kotaro Kohno / Yoichi Tamura / Soh Ikarashi / Hideki Umehata / Takuma Izumi / Bunyo Hatsukade / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Daisuke Iono / Tadayuki Kodama / Ichi Tanaka / Masaru Kajisawa / Rob Ivison / Grant Wilson / Min Yun / David Hughes / Itziar Aretxaga / Milagros Zeballos | EA | Progenitors of Massive Galaxies in the Extremely High Density Environment around 4C 23.56 at z=2.5 |
2012.1.00245.S | Ken-ichi Tadaki / Tadayuki Kodama / Soh Ikarashi / Kotaro Kohno / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Masao Hayashi / Yusei Koyama / Yoichi Tamura / Bunyo Hatsukade / Shigeki Inoue / Rhythm Shimakawa / Ichi Tanaka | EA | Spatially Resolved Mode of Star Formation in Halpha emitters at z>2 |
2012.1.00268.S | Manuel Guedel / Helmut Lammer / Stephen Skinner / Christene Lynch / Robert Mutel / Kenneth Gayley / Gregg Hallinan / Bibiana Fichtinger | EU | Solving the Faint Young Sun Paradox wit ALMA |
2012.1.00275.S | Stephane Guilloteau / Anne Dutrey / Ya-Wen Tang / Dmitry Semenov / Edwige Chapillon / Frederic Gueth / Franck Hersant / Ralf Launhardt / Thomas Henning / David Hollenbach / Vincent Piétu / Valentine Wakelam / Uma Gorti | EU | Vertical Stratification of Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disks: the CS tool |
2012.1.00285.S | yusuke miyamoto / Masumichi Seta / Naomasa Nakai / Nario Kuno / Dragan Salak / Hiroyuki Kaneko / Shun Ishii / Yuki Terabe / Makoto Nagai | EA | Exploring the Evolution of Molecular Clouds by the Velocity Vectors in NGC1566 |
2012.1.00293.S | Martin Zwaan / Harald Kuntschner / Warrick Couch / Michael Pracy | EU | The molecular gas in post-starburst galaxies |
2012.1.00303.S | Ya-Wen Tang / Stephane Guilloteau / Vincent Piétu / Anne Dutrey / Nagayoshi Ohashi / Paul Ho / Stuartt Corder / Munetake Momose / Taku Takeuchi / Takayuki Muto / Misato Fukagawa / Shu-ichiro Inutsuka / Motohide Tamura / Jun Hashimoto / Takashi Tsukagoshi | EU | Inner disc, dust ring and spiral-like structures in the circumstellar disc AB Aurigae |
2012.1.00304.S | Yu-Nung Su / Mario Tafalla / Hsien Shang / Doug Johnstone / Qizhou Zhang / Joaquín Santiago-García / Chin-Fei Lee / Naomi Hirano / Liang-Yao Wang | EA | Testing the bow-shock paradigm with the finest molecular jet |
2012.1.00306.S | Eckhard Sturm / Dieter Lutz / Linda Tacconi / Richard Davies / Jacqueline Fischer / Aprajita Verma / Roberto Maiolino / Sylvain Veilleux / Eduardo Gonzalez-Alfonso / Reinhard Genzel / Amiel Sternberg / Steven Hailey-Dunsheath / Albrecht Poglitsch / Natalie Christopher / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Susanne Aalto / Axel Weiss / Javier Gracia-Carpio / Claudia Cicone / Chiara Feruglio / Alessandra Contursi | EU | Massive molecular outflows and negative feedback in active galaxies |
2012.1.00307.S | Jacqueline Hodge / Ian Smail / Fabian Walter / Axel Weiss / Andy Biggs / Mark Swinbank / Alice Danielson / Pierre Cox / Karl Menten / Paul van der Werf / Hans-Walter Rix / Frank Bertoldi / Eva Schinnerer / David Alexander / Alastair Edge / William Brandt / Kirsten Knudsen / Kristen Coppin / Rob Ivison / Julie Wardlow / Helmut Dannerbauer / Thomas Greve / Scott Chapman / Alexander Karim / James Simpson | EU | Resolved, direct imaging of the obscured star forming regions in SMGs |
2012.1.00317.S | Kazushi Sakamoto / Sergio Martin / Martina Wiedner / David Wilner | EA | Gauging Deeply Hidden Nuclei of Arp 220 |
2012.1.00320.S | Naomi Hirano / Ciska Kemper / Alfonso Trejo / Mikako Matsuura / Ronny Zhao-Geisler / Albert Zijlstra / Oscar Morata / Hyosun Kim / Tatsuhiko Hasegawa | NA | Molecular and ionized tori in the bipolar planetary nebula NGC 6302 |
2012.1.00321.S | Edwige Chapillon / Nagayoshi Ohashi / Stephane Guilloteau / Anne Dutrey / Emmanuel Di Folco / Valentine Wakelam / Franck Hersant / Vincent Piétu / Yann Boehler | NA | Dispersal of protoplanetary disks: study of suspected gas-poor dusty-rich sources |
2012.1.00324.S | Leen Decin / David Neufeld / Gary Melnick / Anita Richards | EU | The mystery of wator vapor in IRC+10216 |
2012.1.00326.S | Soh Ikarashi / Kotaro Kohno / Rob Ivison / Yoichi Tamura / Bunyo Hatsukade / Daisuke Iono / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Ryohei Kawabe / Kentaro Motohara / Kiyoto Yabe / Min Yun / Grant Wilson / David Hughes / Itziar Aretxaga / James Dunlop / Karina Caputi / Kouji Ohta / Kenta Suzuki / Hideki Umehata / Takuma Izumi | EA | ALMA counterpart identifications of VLA/Herschel-faint AzTEC sources; exploring the redshift distribution of SMGs beyond z=4 |
2012.1.00327.S | Pierre Kervella / Leen Decin / Anita Richards / Iain McDonald / Andrea Chiavassa / Xavier Haubois / Guy Perrin / Graham Harper / Eamon O'Gorman / Takayuki Kotani / Miguel Montarges | EU | Unravelling the enigmatic nature of the mass loss of Betelgeuse |
2012.1.00332.S | Satoki Matsushita / Jeremy Lim / Trung Dinh / Sebastien Muller / Maria Cunningham / Paul Jones / Christian Henkel / Nadia Lo / Lien-Hsuan Lin / Yi-nan Chin | NA | Fueling the AGN in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4945 |
2012.1.00334.S | Gustavo Orellana Gonzalez / Neil Nagar / Rob Ivison / Hugo Messias / Dominik Riechers / Paul van der Werf | CL | Dissecting a colossus: confronting recent theory with a multi-merging HyLIRG |
2012.1.00336.S | Andreas Schruba / Adam Leroy / Alberto Bolatto / Fabian Walter / Frank Bigiel / W.J.G. Erwin de Blok | NA | A Complete, High Resolution View of Low Metallicity Star-Forming Complexes in NGC 6822 |
2012.1.00346.S | Neal Evans / Minho Choi / James Di Francesco / Jes Jorgensen / Jeong-Eun Lee / Diego Mardones / Phil Myers | NA | Star Formation via Infall: A Definitive Test by ALMA |
2012.1.00350.S | Claudio Caceres / Matthias Schreiber / Lucas Cieza / Hector Canovas / Francois Menard / Zahed Wahhaj | CL | Probing photoevaporation in protoplanetary disks: the primordial to debris disk transition |
2012.1.00352.S | Javier Goicoechea / Sara Cuadrado / Marcelino Agundez / Nuria Marcelino / Jose Cernicharo / Asunción Fuente / Paolo Pilleri | EU | The fundamental structure of molecular cloud edges: from clumps to photoevaporation |
2012.1.00366.S | Francesco Fontani / Maite Beltran / Riccardo Cesaroni / Alvaro Sanchez-Monge / Andrea Giannetti / Jan Brand / Leonardo Testi / Benoit Commercon / Patrick Hennebelle / Paola Caselli / Steven Longmore / Jonathan Tan / Charles Walmsley / Richard Dodson / Maria Rioja | EU | Fragmentation of massive dense clumps: unveiling the initial conditions of high-mass star formation |
2012.1.00368.S | Lee Mundy / Shaye Storm / Hector Arce / Adele Plunkett / Stuartt Corder / John Tobin / Leslie Looney / Manuel Fernández-López / Katherine Lee / Woojin Kwon / Maxime Rizzo | NA | Revealing the Density and Kinematic Structure in the Serpens Active Star Formation Region |
2012.1.00374.S | Kazuaki Ota / Kouji Ohta / Bunyo Hatsukade / Masanori Iye / Takatoshi Shibuya / Nobunari Kashikawa | EA | The [CII] Line Study of Star-forming Galaxies in the Epoch of Cosmic Reionization |
2012.1.00377.S | Kazushi Sakamoto / Susanne Aalto / Francesco Costagliola / Aaron Evans | EA | Fire and Wind in Compton-thick Monster: The Case of NGC 4418 |
2012.1.00382.S | Diego Mardones / Hector Arce / Guido Garay / Alberto Noriega-Crespo / Stuartt Corder / Alejandro Raga / Sylvie cabrit / Stella Offner | CL | Outflow Entrainment and Core Dispersal in HH46/47 |
2012.1.00385.S | Mark Wyatt / Brenda Matthews / Grant Kennedy / Bruce Sibthorpe / Jane Greaves / Antonio hales / Bill Dent / David Wilner / Gaspard Duchene / Rob Ivison / Jean-Francois Lestrade / Amaya Moro-Martin / Olja Panic / Carey Lisse | EU | Detailed structure of the Eta Corvi debris disk |
2012.1.00394.S | Diego Mardones / Michael Dunham / Hector Arce / Scott Schnee / Jaime Pineda / Xuepeng Chen / Tyler Bourke / Daniel Price | CL | Revealing the Evolutionary Status of Candidate First Cores |
2012.1.00395.S | Nuria Marcelino / Jose Cernicharo / Belén Tercero / Evelyne Roueff / Henry Wootten / Aina Palau | NA | Warm Deuteration of HCN in Orion-KL |
2012.1.00400.S | Chunhua Qi / Karin Oberg / David Wilner / Sean Andrews / Paola D'Alessio / Edwin Bergin / Geoffrey Blake / Ewine van Dishoeck / Michiel Hogerheijde | NA | Searching for H2D+ in the disk of TW Hya |
2012.1.00402.S | Edo Ibar / Rob Ivison / Mark Swinbank / David Sobral / Ian Smail / Philip Best / James Geach / Michele Cirasuolo / Franz Bauer | CL | Exploiting the synergy between early ALMA and VLT/AO-IFU |
2012.1.00411.S | Nicolas Biver / Dominique Bockelee-Morvan / Jeremie Boissier / Dariusz Lis / Raphael Moreno / Jacques Crovisier / Emmanuel Jehin / Damien Hutsemekers / Stefanie Milam / Steven Charnley / Martin Cordiner | EU | The origin of cometary matter: nitriles and isotopes in comet C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) |
2012.1.00413.S | Amy Reines / Kelsey Johnson | NA | Feeding the massive black hole in the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10 |
2012.1.00422.S | Edwin Bergin / Lauren Cleeves / Geoffrey Blake / Ke Zhang / Karin Oberg / Ewine van Dishoeck / Chunhua Qi | NA | Determination of the TW Hya Disk Mass |
2012.1.00423.S | Tohru Nagao / Roberto Maiolino / Alessandro Marconi / Filippo Mannucci / Giovanni Cresci / Paulina Troncoso / Danail Obreschkow / Ian Heywood / Matt Bothwell / Bunyo Hatsukade | EA | The evolution of the molecular gas content at z>3 |
2012.1.00426.S | Steven Hailey-Dunsheath / Gordon Stacey / Drew Brisbin / Carl Ferkinhoff / Thomas Nikola / Kartik Sheth | NA | A First Measurement of the [NII] 205um/[CII] 158um Ratio at z=1 |
2012.1.00435.S | Raffaella Morganti / Tom Oosterloo / Raymond Oonk / Wilfred Frieswijk | EU | Feedback in action: tracing the extreme interplay between radio jets and ISM in galaxies |
2012.1.00437.S | David Rodriguez / Benjamin Zuckerman / simon casassus / Laura Vican | CL | Massive CO-rich Comet Clouds Around Youthful Main Sequence Stars |
2012.1.00441.S | Roberto Galvan-Madrid / Carlos Carrasco-Gonzalez / Claudia Cyganowski / Josep Girart / Paul Ho / Melvin Hoare / Eric Keto / Zhi-Yun Li / Hauyu Baobab Liu / Josep Marti / Thomas Peters / Keping Qiu / Luis Rodriguez / Joel Sanchez Bermudez / Bhargav Vaidya / Qizhou Zhang | EU | 3D Structure of an Ionized Jet from a Massive Protostar |
2012.1.00453.S | Sergio Martin / Susanne Aalto / Kazushi Sakamoto / Rebeca Aladro / Jesus Martin-Pintado / Sebastien Muller / Francesco Costagliola / Serena Viti / Stefanie Muehle / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Paul van der Werf | EU | Spatially resolved wide band spectroscopy in ULIRG obscured nuclei |
2012.1.00456.S | Eric Murphy / Eva Schinnerer / Jean Turner / Adam Leroy / George Helou / David Meier / James Condon | NA | Mapping Ionizing Photon Rates in the Era of ALMA |
2012.1.00463.S | Dante Minniti / Mark Thompson / Radostin Kurtev / Maren Hempel / Ignacio Toledo | CL | VVV-WIT-01: A Supernova in the Milky Way or an Entirely New Kind of Variable Star |
2012.1.00469.S | Katharine Johnston / Henrik Beuther / Roy van Boekel / Rolf Kuiper / Paul Boley / Hendrik Linz / Thomas Robitaille / Eric Keto | EU | Probing the effect of ionization on the circumstellar structure of the massive embedded star AFGL 4176 |
2012.1.00474.S | Neil Nagar / Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann / Allan Schnorr Müller / Rogemar Riffel / roy slater / Carole Mundell / Andrew Robinson / Bradley Peterson | CL | Understanding nuclear streaming: stellar, atomic and molecular gas kinematics in the inner 100pc of nearby active galaxies |
2012.1.00479.S | Konrad Tristram / Leonard Burtscher / Francoise Combes / Francesco Costagliola / Moshe Elitzur / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Thomas Greve / Christian Henkel / Violette Impellizzeri / walter jaffe / Sergio Martin / Klaus Meisenheimer / Stefanie Muehle / Sebastien Muller / Marco Spaans / Paul van der Werf / Serena Viti / zhiyu Zhang | EU | Imaging the molecular torus of the active galactic nucleus in the Circinus galaxy |
2012.1.00482.S | Andres Jordan / simon casassus / Antonio hales / Bill Dent / Dante Minniti / Jorge Cuadra / Francois Menard | CL | The cold debris disk in the unique multi-planetary system around HR 8799 |
2012.1.00496.S | Sean Andrews / Katherine Rosenfeld / David Wilner / Eric Jensen / Keivan Stassun / Eric Stempels | NA | Calibrating Disk-Based Dynamical Mass Estimates with Young Spectroscopic Binaries |
2012.1.00498.S | Rita Mann / Doug Johnstone / Sean Andrews / John Bally / Jonathan Williams / A. Meredith Hughes / James Di Francesco / Luca Ricci | NA | The Effect of Extreme Environment on Protoplanetary Disks in Orion |
2012.1.00501.S | Raghvendra Sahai / Wouter Vlemmings / Patrick Huggins / Lars-Ake Nyman | NA | The Coldest Object in the Universe: Probing the Mass Distribution of the Ultra-Cold Outflow and Dusty Disk in the Boomerang Nebula |
2012.1.00522.S | Izaskun Jimenez-Serra / Jesus Martin-Pintado / Alejandro Báez Rubio / Victor Manuel Rivilla / Qizhou Zhang | NA | Ionized Winds in High-mass Star Forming Regions: Masering Effects in Hydrogen Radio Recombination Lines. |
2012.1.00523.S | Peter Capak / Kartik Sheth / Chris carilli / Lin Yan / Simon Lilly / Marcella Carollo / Dominik Riechers / Vernesa Smolcic / Alexander Karim / Olivier Le Fèvre | NA | Measuring the Infrared Emission and Dynamics for a Population of Primordial Galaxies |
2012.1.00524.S | Sofia Ramstedt / Wouter Vlemmings / Shazrene Mohamed / Matthias Maercker / Claudia Paladini / Daniela Klotz / Hans Olofsson / Michael Lindqvist / Franz Kerschbaum / Andreas Mayer / Nick Cox / Elvire De Beck / Alain Baudry / Markus Wittkowski / Marcelo Leal-Ferreira / Andres Perez Sanchez / Alain Jorissen / Elizabeth Humphreys / Stephane Sacuto / Rodolfo Montez / Eric Lagadec | EU | Shaping the Outflows of Binary AGB Stars |
2012.1.00538.S | Elise Servajean / Guido Garay / Ramiro Franco Hernández | CL | The physical structure of a massive and dense cold core |
2012.1.00539.S | Benjamin Weiner / Wiphu Rujopakarn / Almudena Alonso-Herrero / Alberto Bolatto / Eiichi Egami / George Rieke | NA | Molecular gas and starforming regions in disky U/LIRGs - analogs for high-z starforming galaxies |
2012.1.00542.S | Maria Teresa Ruiz / Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo / David Barrado Navascués / Aina Palau / Nuria Huelamo / Maria Morales-Calderon / Amelia Bayo / Carlos Eiroa / Herve Bouy / Oscar Morata / Francois Menard | CL | Barnard 30: a pre- and proto-brown dwarfs nursery? |
2012.1.00543.S | Sergio Martin / Mark Morris / Juergen Ott / Jun-Hui Zhao / Paul Ho / Jesus Martin-Pintado / Raymond Blundell / Rolf Guesten / Miguel Angel Requena Torres / Steven Longmore / Stéphane Leon | EU | Fuelling the Galactic center super massive black hole |
2012.1.00550.S | Ramiro Franco Hernández / Guido Garay / Luis Rodriguez / James Moran / Diego Mardones / Kate Brooks / Maxim Voronkov | CL | First images of a protoplanetary disk around a very massive protostar |
2012.1.00554.S | Yasuo Fukui / Hiroaki Yamamoto / Akio Ohama / Toshikazu Onishi / Akiko Kawamura / Tetsuhiro Minamidani / Remy Indebetouw / Suzanne Madden / Maud Galametz / Vianney Lebouteiller / Diane Cormier / Norikazu Mizuno / Rosie Chen / Jonathan Seale / Marta Sewilo / Margaret Meixner | EA | Most active on-going star formation in the Local Group: Resolving filaments and cloud cores in the LMC |
2012.1.00581.S | David Meier / Nissim Kanekar | NA | Molecular Oxygen in Intermediate Redshift Absorber, B1830-210 |
2012.1.00584.T | Keiichi Maeda / Tomoki Saito / Takaya Nozawa / Takashi Moriya / Rieko Momose | EA | Probing Electron Acceleration Mechanism in Nearby Core-Collapse Supernovae |
2012.1.00596.S | Gordon Stacey / Carl Ferkinhoff / Kartik Sheth / Thomas Nikola / Drew Brisbin / Steven Hailey-Dunsheath / Edith Falgarone / Roxana Lupu | NA | ALMA Imaging of the Star Formation Process at the Historic Peak |
2012.1.00602.S | Rieko Momose / Masami Ouchi / Kotaro Kohno / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Daisuke Iono / Yoichi Tamura / Yoshiaki Ono / Kazuhiro Shimasaku / Takuya Hashimoto | EA | Shedding light on the completion of reionization by ALMA [CII] Observations |
2012.1.00603.S | Akiko Kawamura / Toshikazu Onishi / Atsushi Nishimura / Yasuo Fukui / Tomoka Tosaki / Nario Kuno / Margaret Meixner / Remy Indebetouw / Norikazu Mizuno / Tetsuhiro Minamidani / Erik Muller / Tatsuya Takekoshi / Kazuya Saigo / Hiroyuki Baji / Kazuki Tokuda / Kosuke Fujii / keisuke hasegawa | EA | Tracing evolution of giant molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
2012.1.00604.S | Amy Kimball / James Condon / Mark Lacy / Carol Lonsdale / Roberto Maiolino | NA | Star-formation activity in host galaxies of the most luminous QSOs in the Universe |
2012.1.00610.S | Bettina Posselt / George Pavlov | NA | Probing fallback disks of nearby neutron stars |
2012.1.00611.S | Aaron Evans / George Privon / Susanne Aalto / Kazushi Sakamoto / Jason Surace / Dong-Chan Kim / Amy Kimball / Mark Lacy / David Frayer / Peter Barthel | NA | Dense, Warm Molecular Gas and Star Formation in CO Luminous QSO Hosts |
2012.1.00619.S | Michael Brown / Bryan Butler | NA | Medium-size Kuiper belt objects: the key to accretion in the solar system |
2012.1.00621.S | Paul Ho / Pei-Ying Hsieh / Hauyu Baobab Liu / Yu-Nung Su / Young Minh / Sergio Martin / Vivian Chen | EA | Proper Motions of Gas in the Immediate Vicinity of the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole |
2012.1.00623.S | Masao Hayashi / Tadayuki Kodama / Yusei Koyama / Ken-ichi Tadaki / Ichi Tanaka / Rhythm Shimakawa / Kotaro Kohno / Yoichi Tamura / Bunyo Hatsukade | EA | Build-up of massive galaxies in the cluster core at z=1.46 revealed by resolved dusty star formation within galaxies |
2012.1.00624.S | Raphael Moreno / Emmanuel Lellouch / Arielle Moullet | EU | Isotopic ratios in Neptune’s atmosphere and the origin of CO and HCN |
2012.1.00628.T | Juergen Ott / Cornelia Lang / David Meier / Sergio Martin / Joanna Corby / Mark Morris / Miller Goss | NA | Molecular Absorption Survey against the G2 Cloud Sgr A* Accretion Event |
2012.1.00631.S | Misato Fukagawa / Nagayoshi Ohashi / Munetake Momose / Yoshimi Kitamura / Takashi Tsukagoshi / Eiji Akiyama / Taku Takeuchi / Hiroshi Kobayashi / Takayuki Muto / Mitsuhiko Honda / Hideaki Fujiwara / Hiroshi Shibai | EA | Non-Axisymmetry in the Gapped Protoplanetary Disk around HD 142527 |
2012.1.00635.S | Geoffrey Bower / Frederick Baganoff / Denis Barkats / Christiaan Brinkerink / Andreas Brunthaler / Jason Dexter / Heino Falcke / Patrick Fragile / Charles Gammie / Violette Impellizzeri / Dipankar Maitra / Sera Markoff / Dan Marrone / Karl Menten / Monika Moscibrodzka / Alison Peck / Anthony Rushton / Reinhold Schaaf / Dyas Utomo / melvyn wright | NA | The G2 Gas Cloud Encounter with Sagittarius A*: Accretion Structure on Scales of 3000 to 1 Schwarzschild Radii |
2012.1.00641.S | Tsuyoshi Sawada / Tetsuo Hasegawa / Jin Koda | EA | Revealing Internal Structure of Molecular Clouds in the LMC at Various Evolutionary Stages |
2012.1.00647.S | Nagayoshi Ohashi / Hsi-Wei Yen / Shigehisa Takakuwa / Kohji Tomisaka / Kengo Tomida / Masahiro Machida / Yuri Aikawa / Kazuya Saigo / Masao Saito / Masa Hayashi | EA | Probing Formation of Keplerian Disks around Protostars |
2012.1.00650.S | Eva Schinnerer / Adam Leroy / Sharon Meidt / Richard Rand / Annie Hughes / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Jérôme Pety / Clare Dobbs / Angela Adamo / Dario Colombo | EU | The Role of Galactic Environment in GMC and Star Formation |
2012.1.00657.S | Shuro Takano / Kotaro Kohno / Tac Nakajima / Takuma Izumi / Nanase Harada / Eric Herbst | EA | Effects of active galactic nucleus and starburst in the nearby galaxies NGC 1068 and NGC 253: High resolution images of CN, SO, and HC3N at the 100 GHz region |
2012.1.00661.S | Catherine Vlahakis / Leonardo Bronfman / Stéphane Leon / Taufiq Hidayat / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Thomas Scott / Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro / Sergio Martin / Tommy Wiklind / Juan Cortes / Breezy Ocaña Flaquer / Daniel Espada / elvira Leonardo / Luca Bizzocchi / Cristina Fernandes / Jose Sabater Montes / Ilse De Looze / Maarten Baes / Diego Garcia-Appadoo / Ascension del Olmo / Paulo Cortes / Violette Impellizzeri / Eric Villard | EU | Properties of the interstellar medium around the supermassive black hole at the centre of the radio galaxy M87 |
2012.1.00671.S | Violette Impellizzeri / Alison Peck / James Braatz / Konrad Tristram / Elizabeth Humphreys / Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo / Daniel Espada / Henry Wootten / Stéphane Leon / Chengyu Kuo / Juergen Ott / David Meier / Christian Henkel / K. Y. Lo | NA | Submm water maser emission in the Circinus galaxy |
2012.1.00676.S | Chris Willott / Alain Omont / Jacqueline Bergeron | NA | The black hole - galaxy mass relationship at redshift 6 |
2012.1.00678.S | Raghvendra Sahai / Wouter Vlemmings / Lars-Ake Nyman / Patrick Huggins / Eric Lagadec / Tim Gledhill / Guillermo Quintana-Lacaci / Carmen Sánchez Contreras | NA | Sculpting Round Circumstellar Envelopes into Bipolar Nebulae: A CO J=3-2 study of the Water-Fountain Nebula IRAS16342-3814 |
2012.1.00683.S | Monica RUBIO / Alberto Bolatto / Celia Verdugo / Norikazu Mizuno / Erik Muller | CL | Sub-millimeter excess in a low metallicity cloud in the Magellanic Bridge |
2012.1.00688.S | John Carpenter / A. Meredith Hughes / Uma Gorti | NA | Molecular Gas in Young Debris Disks: Constraining the Timescale to Form Ice-giant Planets |
2012.1.00707.S | Demerese Salter / Lee Mundy / Ruud Visser / Joel Green / Jes Jorgensen / Ewine van Dishoeck / Neal Evans | CL | Outflow structure and origin of the high-J CO excitation processes toward low-mass embedded protostars |
2012.1.00712.S | Jes Jorgensen / Cecile Favre / Suzanne Bisschop / Julie Lykke / Tyler Bourke / Ewine van Dishoeck / Markus Schmalzl | EU | Pre-biotic molecules in low-mass protostars |
2012.1.00719.S | Roberto Maiolino / Adriano Fontana / Eros Vanzella / Laura Pentericci / Andrea Grazian / Stefano Cristiani / Marco Castellano | EU | Tracing the re-ionization epoch through millimeter spectroscopy |
2012.1.00720.S | James Higdon / Sarah Higdon / Richard Rand / Sergio Martin / Daniel Espada | NA | The ``Over-Cooked'' ISM in the Cartwheel Ring Galaxy |
2012.1.00725.S | Andrea Isella / Carol Grady / John Carpenter / Laura Perez / Luca Ricci | NA | Probing the formation of wide separation planets with ALMA |
2012.1.00729.S | Hiroshi Nagai / Akihiro Doi / Kazuhiro Hada / Motoki Kino / Kazunori Akiyama / Shoko Koyama / Yasushi Fukazawa / Yasuyuki Tanaka | EA | Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectrum of 3C 454.3 in the Close Vicinity of the Central Engine |
2012.1.00743.S | Gerrit van der Plas / Francois Menard / Jenny Patience / Paul Harvey / simon casassus / Joanna Bulger / Christophe Pinte | CL | Detection and characterization of protoplanetary disks across the stellar/substellar transition |
2012.1.00756.S | Kotaro Kohno / Tadayuki Kodama / Soh Ikarashi / Ken-ichi Tadaki / Yoichi Tamura / Bunyo Hatsukade / Daisuke Iono / Kouji Ohta / Kiyoto Yabe / Min Yun / Grant Wilson / David Hughes / Itziar Aretxaga / Kimberly Scott / Rob Ivison / James Dunlop / Karina Caputi / Masayuki Akiyama / Wei-Hao Wang / Masao Hayashi / Ryohei Kawabe / Akio Taniguchi / Kenta Suzuki / Kentaro Motohara / Hideki Umehata / Takuma Izumi / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Yusei Koyama / Yuichi Matsuda | EA | Mining and resolving a contiguous 1.5 arcmin^2 window in the SXDF-CANDELS-UDS at 1.1 mm with ALMA |
2012.1.00761.S | Takashi Tsukagoshi / Munetake Momose / Yoshimi Kitamura / Masao Saito / Ryohei Kawabe / Sean Andrews / David Wilner / Jun Hashimoto / Tomoyuki Kudo / Motohide Tamura | EA | Unveiling Planet Formation Disk around Class III T Tauri Star Sz 91 in Lupus III |
2012.1.00762.S | Akihiko Hirota / Fumi Egusa / Nario Kuno / Junichi Baba / Kazuyuki Muraoka / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Keiichi Wada / Ayako Tanaka / Tomoka Tosaki / Hiroyuki Nakanishi / Akiko Kawamura / Yasutaka Kurono / Hsi-An Pan / Sumio Ishizuki / Hiroyuki Baji / Sachiko Onodera | EA | Extended GMC survey in the nearby galaxy M83 |
2012.1.00769.S | Adele Plunkett / Diego Mardones / Hector Arce / Stuartt Corder / Michael Dunham / jose gallardo | CL | Serpens South: Outflows impacting the youngest, densest proto-cluster |
2012.1.00775.S | Emanuele Daddi / Mark Sargent / Georgios Magdis / Mark Dickinson / Fabian Walter / David Elbaz / Suzanne Madden / Frederic Bournaud / Matthieu Bethermin / Maurilio Pannella / Qinghua Tan | EU | Characterizing the [CII] 158um emission line in typical, main sequence-selected disk galaxies at z=1.8 |
2012.1.00781.S | Diego Mardones / Guido Garay / Hector Arce / Maite Beltran | CL | IRAS 16272-4837: The birth of a massive protostar |
2012.1.00784.S | Melvin Hoare / Roberto Galvan-Madrid / Jaime Pineda / Luke Maud / Eric Keto / Paola Caselli / Qizhou Zhang / Willem-Jan de Wit / Stuart Lumsden | EU | Tracing the 3D infall and rotation of material onto the massive protostar W33A |
2012.1.00786.S | Issei Yamamura / Poshak Gandhi / Satoshi Takita / Hideyuki Izumiura / Toshiya Ueta | EA | Molecular envelope of WISE J180956.27-330500.2: The first example of ongoing mass eruption after thermal pulse |
2012.1.00789.S | Kouichiro Nakanishi / Kazuo Sorai / Kazuya Matsubayashi / Hajime Sugai / Naomasa Nakai / Nario Kuno | EA | Uncover Obscured Starburst Activity on The Central 200pc of NGC 253 |
2012.1.00797.S | Jenny Greene / Nadia Zakamska / Nicole Nesvadba | NA | Deciphering black hole feedback: molecular outflow in an obscured quasar |
2012.1.00799.S | Mitsuhiko Honda / Eiji Akiyama / Misato Fukagawa / Munetake Momose / Nagayoshi Ohashi / Yoshimi Kitamura / Motohide Tamura / Masa Hayashi / Koen Maaskant / Takashi Tsukagoshi | EA | Resolving the double gaps in the disk around HD 169142 |
2012.1.00812.S | Cinthya Herrera / Francois Boulanger / Nicole Nesvadba / Edith Falgarone / Guillaume Pineau des Forets / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Patrick Hennebelle | EU | Shock dissipation in the Antennae merger: from Super Giant Molecular Clouds to pre-Cluster Clouds |
2012.1.00826.S | Joseph Mottram / Stuart Lumsden / Melvin Hoare / Rene Oudmaijer / Pamela Klaassen / Irene San Jose Garcia / Simon Bruderer / James Urquhart / Heather Cooper | EU | The mass infall rate of massive young stellar objects |
2012.1.00844.S | Axel Weiss / Carlos De Breuck / Joaquin Vieira / John Carlstrom / Dan Marrone / James Aguirre / Matt Bothwell / Scott Chapman / Thomas Crawford / Chris Fassnacht / Thomas Greve / Yashar Hezaveh / Eric Murphy / Keren Sharon / Justin Spilker / Karl Menten / Manuel Aravena | EU | CO redshifts of SPT sources |
2012.1.00853.S | Arielle Moullet / Emmanuel Lellouch / Mark Gurwell / Raphael Moreno / Bryan Butler / John Black / Robert Johnson | NA | Characterizing the volcanic contribution in Io's atmosphere |
2012.1.00857.S | Catherine Dougados / Sylvie cabrit / Guido Garay / Diego Mardones / Antonio hales / Leonardo Bronfman / Frederic Gueth / Wing-Fai Thi / Christophe Pinte / simon casassus | CL | Disk rotation in Th 28: key testing of the jet impact on protoplanetary disks |
2012.1.00869.S | James Mullaney / David Alexander / Christopher Harrison / Emanuele Daddi / Stephanie Juneau / Maurilio Pannella / Mark Dickinson / Agnese Del Moro | EU | Star-formation rates for a complete sample of AGN host galaxies |
2012.1.00870.S | Laura Perez / John Carpenter / Andrea Isella / Anneila Sargent | NA | The contents of transitional disk cavities: is the gas as depleted as the dust? |
2012.1.00875.T | Yuji Urata / Kuiyun Huang / Satoko Takahashi / An-Li Tsai | EA | Peak Flux and Frequency of GRB Afterglow |
2012.1.00882.S | Bram Venemans / Fabian Walter / Roberto Decarli / Gisella De Rosa / Joseph Findlay / Paul Hewett / Richard McMahon / Daniel Mortlock / Chris Simpson / Will Sutherland / Steve Warren | EU | Imaging the bright [CII] emission in a quasar host galaxy at z=7.1 |
2012.1.00885.S | Veronica Strazzullo / Raphael Gobat / Mark Sargent / Emanuele Daddi / Helmut Dannerbauer / Marcella Carollo / Mark Dickinson / Masato Onodera / Alvio Renzini / Marcella Brusa / Andrea Cimatti / Nobuo Arimoto / Alexis Finoguenov | EU | Obscured star formation and cold gas in most distant dense environments: cluster galaxies in the core of Cl J1449+0856 at z~2 |
2012.1.00900.S | Susanne Aalto / Sebastien Muller / Kazushi Sakamoto / Sergio Martin / John Gallagher III / Francesco Costagliola / Aaron Evans / Paul van der Werf / Santiago Garcia-Burillo | EU | Winds of change II - imaging the extremely young outflow of the FIR-excess galaxy NGC1377 |
2012.1.00912.S | Christian Henkel / Stefanie Muehle / Sebastien Muller / Rainer Mauersberger / Marco Spaans / Susanne Aalto / Francesco Costagliola / Santiago Garcia-Burillo / Thomas Greve / Violette Impellizzeri / Padelis Papadopoulos / Serena Viti / Hassan Asiri | EU | The Origin of 15N: Synthesis in High or Low Mass Stars? |
2012.1.00915.S | Roxana Lupu / Andrew Baker / Helmut Dannerbauer / Michal Michalowski / Kimberly Scott / Eric Murphy / Catherine Vlahakis / James Aguirre / Rowin Meijerink / Philip Maloney / Kristen Coppin / Alain Omont / Stephen Serjeant / Gordon Stacey / Rob Ivison / Lerothodi Leeuw / Mattia Negrello / Robert Bussmann / Jason Glenn | NA | Measurements of high-density gas tracers in lensed submillimter galaxies |
2012.1.00932.S | Jens Kauffmann / Paul Goldsmith / Thushara Pillai / Qizhou Zhang / Dariusz Lis / Karl Menten | NA | G0.253+0.016: A dense Galactic Center Cloud with low Star Formation Potential |
2012.1.00940.S | Tomoharu Oka / Kunihiko Tanaka / Ayano Nishikawa / Shinji Matsumura / Tomoro Sashida / Junichi Furusawa | EA | Nature of a Flat Face, Energetic High-Velocity Compact CLoud in the Galactic Center |
2012.1.00941.S | Michel CURE / Joachim Puls / Francisco Najarro / Diah Gunawan / Samer Kanaan / Nicholas Whyborn / Jon Sundqvist / Maria del Mar Rubio Diez | CL | Mass Loss from Massive Stars I |
2012.1.00945.S | Munetake Momose / Shigehisa Takakuwa / Jeremy Lim / Nagayoshi Ohashi / Masa Hayashi / Masao Saito | EA | Imaging of Circumstellar Matter around Protobinary L 1551 IRS 5: From Infalling Envelope to Circumbinary Disk |
2012.1.00953.S | Edo Berger / Bevin Zauderer / Tanmoy Laskar / Karl Menten / Nial Tanvir / Emily Levesque / Andrew Levan / Elizabeth Stanway / Klaas Wiersema | NA | ALMA Observations of the z=8.23 Host Galaxy of GRB 090423: Obscured Star Formation at the Dawn of Time |
2012.1.00962.S | Jorge Gonzalez / Leopoldo Infante / Manuel Aravena / Franz Bauer / Timo Anguita / Adi Zitrin / Dan Coe / Holland Ford / Piero Rosati / Larry Bradley / Mauricio Carrasco | CL | Carbon [CII] on a z=6.027 Multiply-Image Lensed Galaxy Behind the CLASH cluster Abell 383 |
2012.1.00973.S | Loretta Dunne / Catherine Vlahakis / Eelco van Kampen / Stephen Eales / Rob Ivison / Andrew Baker / David Hughes / Stephen Serjeant / Steve Maddox / Michal Michalowski / Paul van der Werf / Haley Gomez / Mark Thompson / Marcella Massardi / George Bendo / Nathan Bourne / Kate Rowlands | non-ALMA | Using ALMA and Herschel-ATLAS to probe the evolution of gas in galaxies over the past 5 Gyr |
2012.1.00978.S | Alexander Karim / Vernesa Smolcic / Eva Schinnerer / Peter Capak / Sune Toft / Dominik Riechers / Chris carilli / Frank Bertoldi / Eelco van Kampen / Johannes Staguhn / Anton Koekemoer / Manuel Aravena / Kartik Sheth / Felipe Navarrete | EU | Timing the birth of the red sequence |
2012.1.00979.S | Ken-ichi Tadaki / Tadayuki Kodama / Ian Smail / Mark Swinbank / Takatoshi Shibuya / Masao Hayashi / Yusei Koyama / Rhythm Shimakawa | EA | A pilot survey for [CII]157.7um emission in star-forming galaxies at z=1.7 |
2012.1.00983.S | Roger Leiton / David Elbaz / Neil Nagar / Maurilio Pannella | CL | Probing the spatial distribution of star formation in distant ULIRG with ALMA |
2012.1.00984.S | Amanda Kepley / Adam Leroy / Kelsey Johnson / Rosie Chen / Karin Sandstrom | NA | Picking Up the Pieces: Measuring the Dust and Molecular in the Prototypical BCD |
2012.1.00988.S | Grant Tremblay / Raymond Oonk / Christopher O'Dea / Stefi Baum / Malcolm Bremer / Tracy Clarke / Francoise Combes / Timothy Davis / Megan Donahue / Andrew Fabian / Roberto Galvan-Madrid / Anaelle Maury / Brian McNamara / Rupal Mittal / Alice Quillen / Helen Russell / Philippe Salome / Mark Voit / Michael Wise | EU | The Cold Phase of a Hot Mode: Filaments and Feedback in Abell 2597 |
2012.1.00989.S | Adam Kraus / Sean Andrews / Gregory Herczeg / Michael Ireland / Michael Liu | NA | A Circumplanetary Disk in the FW Tauri System |
2012.1.00993.S | Gregg Hallinan | NA | Determining the Nature of the mm Radio Emission from Active M Dwarfs |
2012.1.00994.S | Carlos De Breuck / Axel Weiss / Joaquin Vieira / Dan Marrone / John Carlstrom / Manuel Aravena / James Aguirre / Matt Bothwell / Scott Chapman / Thomas Crawford / Chris Fassnacht / Thomas Greve / Yashar Hezaveh / Eric Murphy / Keren Sharon / Justin Spilker / Karl Menten | EU | Completing the redshift distribution in a flux limited sample of strongly lensed SMGs from the South Pole Telescope Survey |
2012.1.00997.S | Claudio Codella / Sylvie cabrit / Frederic Gueth / Rafael Bachiller / Antoine Gusdorf / bertrand lefloch / Silvia Leurini / Brunella Nisini / Mario Tafalla / Walter Yvart | EU | Probing the SiO content in HH212: a clue to the origin of protostellar jets |
2012.1.01000.S | Junko Ueda / Daisuke Iono / David Wilner / Shinya Komugi / Giovanni Fazio / Zhong Wang / Yoshimasa Watanabe / Ryohei Kawabe | EA | Mapping the Dense and Shocked Gas at 100 pc Scales in the Nuclear Regions of the Antennae galaxies |
2012.1.01004.S | Dragan Salak / Naomasa Nakai / yusuke miyamoto | EA | Evolution of molecular clouds in the superwind of the starburst galaxy NGC 1808 |
2012.1.01011.S | Philippe André / Derek Ward-Thompson / Jane Greaves | EU | Nature of the pre-brown dwarf core Oph B-11 |
2012.1.01020.S | Soh Ikarashi / Kotaro Kohno / Yoichi Tamura / Bunyo Hatsukade / Daisuke Iono / Kouichiro Nakanishi / Kentaro Motohara / Ryohei Kawabe / Nobunari Kashikawa / Kazuhiro Shimasaku / Masami Ouchi / Min Yun / Grant Wilson / David Hughes / Itziar Aretxaga / Matthew Malkan / Wei-Hao Wang / Seth Johnson / Kenta Suzuki / Hideki Umehata | EA | Submillimeter deep imaging of the highest redshift SMG candidate in the Subaru Deep Field |
2012.1.01022.S | Sabrina Stierwalt / Lee Armus / Hanae Inami / Aaron Evans / Sebastian Haan / Jason Surace / Justin Howell / Joseph Mazzarella / Vassilis Charmandaris / David Frayer / Andreea Petric | NA | An Off-Nuclear Starburst in the Luminous IR Galaxy IIZw96 |
2012.1.01029.S | Alice Danielson / Mark Swinbank / Ian Smail / Andrew Baker / Alastair Edge / Rob Ivison / Rachael Livermore / Steven Longmore / Paul van der Werf / Andrew Harris | EU | 50-pc resolution mapping of a unique strongly lensed z=2.3 sub-mm galaxy |
2012.1.01057.S | Sheng-Yuan Liu / Yu-Nung Su / Satoshi Yamamoto / Yoshimasa Watanabe / Nami Sakai | EA | The Disk and Outflows in A Massive Young Stellar Object NGC2264 CMM3 |
2012.1.01069.S | William Fischer / Tom Megeath / John Tobin / Amelia Stutz / Babar Ali / Thomas Wilson / Charles Poteet / Thomas Stanke / James Di Francesco / Joseph Booker | NA | Mapping the Envelopes of Edge-On Orion Protostars |
2012.1.01099.S | Oleg Kargaltsev / George Pavlov / Gloria Dubner / Gabriela Castelletti / Michael Bietenholz / Lars-Ake Nyman / Martin Durant / Andrei Bykov | NA | The Crab nebula at 100GHz: filling in the gap |
2012.1.01108.S | Takashi Shimonishi / Takashi Onaka / Akiko Kawamura / Yuri Aikawa | EA | Evaporation process of circumstellar ices probed by embedded YSOs in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
2012.1.01123.S | Hideo Sagawa / Paul Hartogh / Yasumasa Kasaba / Hiroyuki Maezawa / Hiromu Nakagawa / Yasko KASAI | EA | Atmospheric chemistry on Venus: Diurnal variation of chlorine species |
2012.1.01125.S | Michal Drahus / David Jewitt / Aaron Evans / Waclaw Waniak | NA | A Close-up Look at Comet PanSTARRS |