Rafael Mena

Rafael Mena

Human Resources Manager

Rafael joined ALMA at the start of 2015 as Human Resources Manager. Psychologist by profession, he wrote his thesis on organizational climate for Universidad de Chile. He went on to obtain a post-graduate degree in Improvement of Human Performance, offered by Universidad Católica in conjunction with ASTD in United States.

With a broad range of experience in Human Resources in large multinational and national corporations, and responsibilities in the national, Latin American and global sphere, Rafael has previously worked in The Clorox Company, initially in charge of Human Resources in Chile, then with a Latin American regional role and finally with a global project role in the main headquarters. Previously he worked as Corporate Manager of Human Resources for a group of national companies: Coca-Cola Polar and Viña Errázuriz. Prior to this, he led the area of Human Resources in Chile, Brazil and Argentina for General Electric. He started his career in Human Resources in areas related to organizational development, in the consulting, finance, insurance, services and mining industries.